Sanskrit Alchemical Codes

Light Language for Mystics in Training

Moksha – Freedom

Garbha – Womb, cosmic egg

Karuna – Compassion

Pritham Bhagvati Pritham Bhagvati Pritham Bhagvati, Namo Namo

I bow to the creative power of the kundalini, the Divine Mother Power.

Aap Sahaee Hoaa Sachay Daa Sachaa Doaa, Har Har Har

Block animosity and bring protection and prosperity

Ant Na Siftee – Endless are your praises/infinite are God’s praises

Rakhay Rakhanhaar Aap Ubaariun

God Himself is looking out for us

Sa Ta Na Ma - Balance five elements

Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Rung

Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Rung

You will become wiser and peace and prosperity will enter into your field.

Pavan Guru – Breath is the Teacher

Par Para – From beyond the beyond

Naanak Paatisaahee Paatisaoh (from 25th Pauri) – Nanak, these persons are the nobility of nobility

Asankh Naav Asankh Thav (from 19th Pauri) – Countless are Your Names. Countless are Your Places.

Sat Siri Siri Akal Siri Akal Maha Akal

Maha Akal Sat Nam Akal Moorath Wahe Guru

The challenge that we face will require us to be steady and to connect with something larger than ourselves.

Dharti Hai, Akash Hai, Guru Ram Das Hai – Heal the heart

Adi Shakti – Creative Power

Ang Sang Wahe Guru – Inner strength

Ong So Hung – Grounding in the Physical

Om So Hum – Spiritual awakening

Humee Hum Tumee Tum Wahe Guru - Self-esteem, self-reliance

I Am Thine in Mine Myself Wahe Guru – I Am creator/master of my own reality

For more detail watch “Holly Wand Study” videos.

Sanskrit is an ancient language perfected and practiced by many mystics throughout thousands of years for gaining knowledge and wisdom of the universe. Sanskrit is considered light language because it transcends all barriers in the human mind to awaken the cosmic mind, which is infinite, expansive and knowing of all escoteric teachings on Earth and beyond. Sanskrit is a pathway to unlocking the universal laws and access the higher mind for creative destiny and self mastery on all planes and levels of existence.

I created my own Holly Wand spell/mantra for the alchemist. 

Lakshmi Lakshmi Akal Akal - I am infinite abundance

Lakshmi Lakshmi Karuna Moksha Saraswati - I am wisdom that Frees all living things from suffering

Ong Lam (root), Ong Ram (solar plexus), Om Yam (heart) - Purify my body, energy and heart space

Lakshman Hari Hari Lakshman Har Har Har Wahe Guru - I breakthrough all blockages in the mind for prosperity to prevail

So on and so on...

You can create your own spell/mantra using your imagination. It can be in any language but must give higher energy.

I Am the Light of my Soul.

I Cast out all Forces against my Highest Creative Destiny.

I Am Protected by Archangel Michael.

I Am Clear of all Doubt.

I Am Visionary Manifestation.